Baby J walked for mommy :) The next morning after I missed his initial show, he did a few steps. He finds it quite funny that he's walking, and starts to laugh after he takes a couple steps, which of course makes him fall! Making progress though - he took a good 5 steps this evening!
My first post on this blog was about us waging a war on his night waking. I wish I could claim victory, but alas, we all got sick and I just can't let a sick baby cry very much. Once he's cleared up, which always takes a while as he struggles with fluid in his ears, we'll be trying again. I can't really complain too much as he only usually wakes up once a night, but it needs to end because he's not the only one who's waking me. E sometimes has bad dreams and needs me, and she also has this strange habit of needing to come and inform me when she wakes up to use the potty.
And then there is the stupid cat. If I put him outside, at some point in the night he scratches at my window to come in. If I leave him inside, he scratches at the carpet under my door to go out. Of course I jump to do his majesty's bidding, because I don't want the house wrecked. I think I need to start locking the cat in the shed outside at night.
On another topic, while our family still remains in the ranks of the unemployed, we're tending towards taking a lesser paying job in town and looking at other ways of making ends meet in order to avoid moving. Even though I'd love to be closer to my family, the cons of moving seem to outweigh the pros. Current options are:
-rent out our basement
-take in a couple international students
-do some after-school daycare
-I could start working evenings/weekends
Of course nothing is decided until there is some sort of job offer on the table, so we're still in wait-and-see mode here.