Isn't he just so cute? You can click on the pictures, then click again, to see them bigger and magnify the cuteness!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Trip to Nana's house!
Isn't he just so cute? You can click on the pictures, then click again, to see them bigger and magnify the cuteness!
So let's see.... I think I'll call Baby J 'Koala', because he's so cute and snuggly, but will soon be climbing the tallest of trees. Plus I caught him eating leaves off a plant the other day!
E I will rename as 'Sunshine'. She'll like that, and it suits her just right.
D I'll call 'Noodle'. He's long and thin like one, and smart, always using his noodle. The kid is somewhat like me, in that he's able to talk his way out of a sunburn!
So that said and done, I'll move on to blogging some of the events I've missed out on...
Monday, May 10, 2010
I will post something of relevance soon!
- Hubby got a job! It's a bit of a commute, and not as exciting of a position as he's used to, but hey, it's a job :) We're happy!
-Things are going well with the renters, and I'm really enjoying cleaning less house!
-Baby J has cut 2 more teeth, and had a terrible flu that stopped the show around here for a good week
-D and E have started soccer, and are loving it
-The kids Sunday school play came and went, and they did a bang up job
Much more, but out of time now!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday Baby J!
Here's a photo recap of where he's come in a year!
My big guy was born at 10lbs 9oz. Off the charts!!! He nearly had to have his collar bone broken to haul him out of me, but thankfully, he made it out just in time. I cherish nearly every moment of his first year - except that one! Yikes!
One week old
One month old
Two months
3 months
6 months
9 months
1 Year!!
At his one year checkup, he's now at nearly the 75th percentile for height at just over 30 inches (77cm), the 30th for weight at 21lbs 5oz (9.69kg), and 80th for head circumference. Other than needing tubes in his ears, he's healthy as a horse!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Courage? Patience?
Friday, February 19, 2010
Hide and seek has to be one of my kids favorite games at the moment! D has it down pat, other than having very little patience to be found, but E is a funny gal, and thinks she needs to hide to do the counting (she only counts properly up to seven, then is all over the place until it's time to yell 'twenty'). Here, they decided it was a good idea to both hide from mommy! I knew from the giggles where they were, so I grabbed the camera!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Still around, just busy!
Other than that, we've all been fighting some colds here, but are on the mend. I'm bushed, but will have more to write soon!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Just over 2 years ago, we brought home our sweet daughter from Ethiopia. I wish I could say it was bliss from the moment we stepped back into Canada, but in reality, they were tough times! It was a big adjustment for all of us, and especially for her of course. Not an easy thing for a toddler to leave all she knows and coming to another country to live with strangers! She did amazingly well though, and has blossomed into a bright and happy child.

While we were in Ethiopia, we had th
So while I grieve the moments I missed with my daughter, we treasure the amazing journey that brought her to us, and celebrate each moment that we have with her now (well, except for those whiny and otherwise unmentionable ones that come with the toddler years that in times of reminscing we tend to blissfully ignore!).
Isn't she sweet!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A couple steps caught on video!
A short video catching some of those first steps. Sorry for the nasty quality. The lighting wasn't good, and I taped it using my camera as figuring out how to get movie from the video camera onto the computer is far beyond me. You'll just have to believe me that he's able to take several steps consecutively than I got on tape! Maybe it's something to do with the ear to ear grin on my face when I see him walk, but he always laughs and falls down especially when I've got the camera!
D's been quite the helper with his little brother lately. He gave me a bit of a surprise today, telling me he knows how babies are made. News to me, as we've not gone there yet! When I asked him how, I was relieved by his answer. "You take some bones and glue them together, put some skin on, and drop eyeballs in!"
Whew :)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
My first post on this blog was about us waging a war on his night waking. I wish I could claim victory, but alas, we all got sick and I just can't let a sick baby cry very much. Once he's cleared up, which always takes a while as he struggles with fluid in his ears, we'll be trying again. I can't really complain too much as he only usually wakes up once a night, but it needs to end because he's not the only one who's waking me. E sometimes has bad dreams and needs me, and she also has this strange habit of needing to come and inform me when she wakes up to use the potty.
And then there is the stupid cat. If I put him outside, at some point in the night he scratches at my window to come in. If I leave him inside, he scratches at the carpet under my door to go out. Of course I jump to do his majesty's bidding, because I don't want the house wrecked. I think I need to start locking the cat in the shed outside at night.
On another topic, while our family still remains in the ranks of the unemployed, we're tending towards taking a lesser paying job in town and looking at other ways of making ends meet in order to avoid moving. Even though I'd love to be closer to my family, the cons of moving seem to outweigh the pros. Current options are:
-rent out our basement
-take in a couple international students
-do some after-school daycare
-I could start working evenings/weekends
Of course nothing is decided until there is some sort of job offer on the table, so we're still in wait-and-see mode here.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
My baby took his first steps....
While I was off taking D to his gymnastics class this evening, baby J took 3 steps.
So maybe it's the recent lack of sleep combined with all the stress of the uncertain future from our unemployment situation causing me some emotional dysfunction, but bursting into tears probably wasn't the normal reaction to hearing your baby boy turned into a toddler in the rare hour you weren't around him.
I shouldn't be jealous I guess. I did have the joy of changing his first poopy diaper, being the first to be puked on, peed on, wipe his first snotty nose, giving him his first bite of food and being the first to have it spit back at me, and so many other such firsts. So missing one little tiny milestone like first steps shouldn't be a big deal.
I do think though, the hubby should have forgotten to tell me it happened (seeing as he didn't get it on video, how would I ever know?). Or maybe he could have told me tomorrow after a good night's sleep! A little bit of omission would have been forgivable here.
Or maybe not, because if I ever found out, then I'd be mad. Poor guy had no options.
Despite missing it, of course I'm immensely proud of my little man. At 10 months, 3 weeks and 3 days old, (which is 2 months and 1 week and 1 day since after he began crawling. Not that I was really keeping track or anything....) my baby boy took his first few steps!
He'd better do it again tomorrow!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Home schooling ups and downs
Sweet little monster
Here's the braids!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Yarn braids
I'd heard about these ages ago, but the first pic I saw of them done was, well, multi-coloured. Several colours of yarn used, with heaps of different kinds of bobbles, beads, and what-not on the end. Not my cup of tea. But recently, in my internet wanderings I saw some done that I thought really looked nice. Here.... . You've got to go a little scroll down the page.
Supposedly, once you put these braids in, they can really go the distance, making hair easy for a couple months before needing to take them out. As my first try, mine probably won't look as nice or last as long, especially as the princess is in swimming lessons at the moment. Had to give it a go.
We spent several painful hours on Sunday putting these in, and I'm still not done! I got it to a state where we could put a bandana on and send her off to preschool this morning though. Then today I was just too sick to finish it up, but will do tomorrow. I think it looks okay so far. I'll post some photos tomorrow once she's all done up!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
So here we go...
Tonight though, I've done enough expanding of my horizons with simply figuring out how to start this thing up. It's now past midnight, and sleep might be minimal as we're trying to break the baby from the habit of waking and eating, so there's been a whole lot of whining. Incidentely, I came across a funny little letter from one baby to the next who's parents are trying the same thing. I'll leave you with this...
OK, here's my situation. My mummy has had me for almost 11 months. The first few months were great - I cried, she picked me up and fed me, anytime, day or night. Then something happened. Over the last few weeks, she has been trying to sleep through the night. At first, I thought it was just a phase, but it is only getting worse. I've talked to other babies, and it seems like it's pretty common after mummies have had us around for a while.
Here's the thing: these mummies don't really need to sleep. It's just a habit. Many of them have had some 30 years to sleep - they just don't need it anymore. So I am implementing a plan. I call it the Crybaby Shuffle.
It goes like this:
Night 1 - cry every 3 hours until you get fed. I know, it's hard. It's hard to see your mummy upset over your crying. Just keep reminding yourself, it's for her own good.
Night 2 - cry every 2 hours until you get fed.
Night 3 - every hour.
Most mummies will start to respond more quickly after about 3 nights. Some mummies are more alert, and may resist the change longer. These mummies may stand in your doorway for hours, shhhh-ing. Don't give in. I cannot stress this enough: CONSISTENCY IS KEY!!
If you let her sleep through the night, just once, she will expect it every night. I KNOW IT'S HARD! But she really does not need the sleep, she is just resisting the change. If you have an especially alert mummy, you can stop crying for about 10 minutes, just long enough for her to go back to bed and start to fall asleep. Then cry again. It WILL eventually work. My mummy once stayed awake for 10 hours straight, so I know she can do it.
Last night, I cried every hour. You just have to decide to stick to it and just go for it.BE CONSISTENT!I cried for any reason I could come up with. My sleep sack tickled my foot. I felt a wrinkle under the sheet. My mobile made a shadow on the wall. I burped, and it tasted like pears. I hadn't eaten pears since lunch, what's up with that? The cat said "meow". I should know. My mummy reminds me of this about 20 times a day.
Once I cried just because I liked how it sounded when it echoed on the monitor in the other room. Too hot, too cold, just right - doesn't matter! Keep crying!! It took a while, but it worked. She fed me at 4am. Tomorrow night, my goal is 3:30am. You need to slowly shorten the interval between feedings in order to reset your mummies' internal clocks.
P.S. Don't let those rubber things fool you, no matter how long you suck on them, no milk will come out. Trust me.